30 November–3 December 2022Talk: The Last Years: Anna Colonna’s Home at the Palazzo dell’Olmo on the Quirinal hill, within the Panel “Power in the Shadows and Secret Splendors I: The Patronage of Anna Colonna (1601–58)” at RSA Virtual 2022
4-5 July 2019Drawings and documents after the Antique between hermeneutics and heuristics. Ancient Roman monuments and related post-antique documentation: from knowledge to applied research. Study day organized by Alessandro Spila and Flavia Benfante at the Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance
30 March–1 April 2017Panel: “Urban evolution and plurality of sources: Roman examples from the sixteenth and seventeenth century”. The Annual Meeting of the “Renaissance Society of America” 2017 Chicago – The Palmer House Hilton.
Organizer: Alessandro Spila, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Chair: Denis Ribouillault, University of Montreal Papers: Foundation and development of two lots in Trastevere from 17th century Marisa Tabarrini, Sapienza Universitá di Roma Religious urbanization in...